Marisa Henderson: Wellness Manager Helping People Heal and Thrive 

Mental health awareness is a crucial aspect of our well-being. In the past few years, there has been a rise in mental health conditions due to an increasingly fast-paced lifestyle. Mental health conditions can have a substantial effect on all areas of life, such as school or work performance, relationships with family and friends, and the ability to participate in the community.

Depression has emerged as a common health issue and a leading cause of disability and underperformance. Despite progress in some countries, people with mental health conditions often experience stigma, discrimination, or even severe human rights violations. It is essential to increase awareness and reduce stigma around mental health, increase access to quality mental health care and effective treatments, and identify new treatments and improve existing treatments for all mental disorders. Africa-based Mondia Healthcare is doing just that – offering treatment options and raising awareness.

Mondia Healthcare offers treatment and support for people struggling with mental health and addiction challenges. All people go through difficult times at some stage and the team believes that– “It is OKAY not to be OKAY and ask for help”.

Led by its CEO, Marisa Henderson, Mondia Healthcare exists to make it possible for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other clinicians to combine their efforts efficiently and effectively. In doing so, they aim to consistently achieve good outcomes for people brought into their system. Their goal is to offer people a treatment program/services and environment that supports and builds on their mental well-being. They strive to cater to the specific and unique needs of the population that they serve and therefore have the concept of wellness at their core.
Wholesome Wellness
Wellness, explains Marisa, is a multidimensional concept that encompasses eight dimensions. These dimensions are interconnected and influence each other. They are:
1.    Emotional Dimension: Understanding and respecting your feelings, values, and attitudes; constructively managing your emotions.
2.    Physical Dimension: Caring for your body to stay healthy now and in the future; recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and adequate sleep.
3.    Social Dimension: Maintaining healthy relationships, developing friendships, and contributing to your community.
4.    Intellectual Dimension: Growing intellectually, valuing lifelong learning, and expanding knowledge and skills.
5.    Occupational Dimension: Preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment.
6.    Financial Dimension: Managing your resources to live within your means, making informed financial decisions and investments, and preparing for short-term and long-term needs or emergencies.
7.    Environmental Dimension: Understanding how your social, natural, and built environments affect your health and well-being.
8.    Spiritual Dimension: Finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life with or without organized religion.
Marisa and her team believe that if they work together and share the same approach, values, and behavior, they are in the fortunate position to make a difference in every person’s life they treat. It will lead to changes in how people think and behave in their communities, thus also contributing to creating a change in the country to enable people to have a better understanding of themselves as well as other people, be more equipped to handle situations, and make better choices to thrive. As Marisa says “Choice is the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you. We all make thousands of choices each day, both consciously and subconsciously”. Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom,” according to Viktor E. Frankl.
What matters most for Mondia Healthcare is for people to have the opportunity to thrive instead of just surviving day by day. This entails equipping them to manage and take responsibility for their challenges, together with their support system. They offer services to individuals with a variety of diagnoses and stressors which include but are not limited to Bi-polar disorder, depression, anxiety disorder, burnout, trauma or loss, PTSD, substance abuse disorders and addiction.

A lot of therapies focus on getting rid of sadness, anxiety, anger, etc., but that does not produce a happy person, it leaves a person empty. Hence the team is focused on building skills that improve relationships and enhance meaning and engagement in life. This creates the platform for change as the focus is on building enabling circumstances of life that can foster a wellness lifestyle. 

Choosing her Path

A nurturer at heart, Marisa wants the best for everyone – something that has both been her best friend as well as a worst enemy over time. She has always liked to help other people, assisting them in solving problems, dealing with issues, and supporting them. After completing her studies as an Occupational therapist in 2004, Marisa worked in various areas including Namibia to gain experience and figure out which field she wanted to settle in. She returned home from Namibia and started working as a locum at a Mental Health facility.

She presented sessions daily and saw the difference it made in people’s lives to gain a better understanding of who they are, where they fit in, what challenges they face, as well as which strengths they possess. She believes that by utilizing a wellness model, people have the opportunity to learn effective coping skills and take joint responsibility for their healing process, which enables more permanent change and the ability to thrive instead of just survive. In 2013, the facility where she worked was bought by Riël du Toit, who owned various hospitals – physical rehabilitation as well as mental health in the country, and that is where her journey of growth and development took on a new level. 

Marisa has always believed that people should not walk around with a “label” or “diagnosis,” something that happens so often in our society. When people are admitted into a hospital, there is an immediate mindset change for themselves, as well as for the people in their environment due to stigma and a lack of awareness and understanding. “For anyone to believe that they have the potential to thrive, instead of just survive day by day, they need to know and understand WHO they are. They have an IDENTITY, a NAME, ROLES, and RESPONSIBILITIES, they are NOT their diagnosis. They still have to go back and FUNCTION in their environment, it does not matter what race, culture or background they come from – EVERYONE deserves the opportunity to be happy and fulfilled,” she asserts. 

Marisa started her journey to incorporate a Wellness approach into their programs to combat stigma and a lack of awareness and understanding when people are admitted into a hospital. “I believe in coaching and allowing people to get to their own answers, develop and grow to their full potential – this road is much more organic and sustainable than micromanaging or trying to “fix” everything for people. I think this quote from John C. Maxwell probably describes it best “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another,” she says.

New Role, New Goal

With the formation of Mondia Health in 2021, Marisa was appointed as the COO and started to grow and develop her facility managers at each of the group’s 5 facilities. She decided to appoint people with a clinical background as facility managers, as she believes that people can be taught the financial aspects of a business, but understanding people and having the inclination to connect with people is key to being successful. “Developing our Facility managers, I believe is one of the biggest accomplishments as well as compliments. A team is only as strong as its weakest link, and creating a strong team that is aligned and functional, not only makes my role easier but also enables us to reach and assist more people,” says Marisa.

She has now been appointed as CEO and aims to continue building on some of the key aspects of her role as COO. These include implementing a performance appraisal system for employees based on their values and the GROW model, shaping the culture of the organization, and driving core values to be displayed in employee behavior.

Marisa and her team has started to create an online platform that captures all aspects of the patient journey, streamlining the interdisciplinary team process . This IT platform collects and stores information about the patient journey, from the moment of referral to admission, discharge, and continued care afterward. This will enable a system where the patient is put in the middle to optimize the therapeutic journey. “I want to leverage the use of AI more in the mental health environment for training and development as well as improvement of the patient experience, which is one of our next projects,” she shares.

They also started measuring patients progress with the DASS21 and Flourishing measure from admission to discharge, as well as 2 weeks and 6 weeks post-discharge since 2019. “It is important for me to see if patients gain knowledge and use skills they have learnt AFTER discharge, as that is where change happens. Let’s face it, the majority of patients feel better during admission, as they receive rest, attention, support, medication, etc. BUT what happens when they go back to their environment is where the importance lie.”

The data shows that patients in our programs show progress from admission to discharge, then at 2 weeks, there is a bit of a decline, which is realistic given the fact that they are back in their environments and need to start functioning again. However, at 6 weeks, it shows an improvement again, which indicates that skills are being used and change is happening. This still needs more research, but it is really exciting data.

Facing her Challenges

Apart from the everyday challenges at work, being a young female in a mainly male-dominated world with a lot of passion and “feeling” philosophies instead of facts and numbers, is another challenge that Marisa has to deal with. 

She faces it by focusing on improving her self-awareness and focusing on the bigger vision instead of the perceptions and doubts that often settle in. She also learned to reframe her passion and plans in terminology and action plans that fit the audience to first get their attention in seeing the bigger picture instead of just a lot of “fluffiness”. As Vince Lombardi puts it “Inches make champions”. Small amounts of effort – consistently, lead to big change.

Words of Wisdom

To conclude our interaction, Marisa parts with the following advice for the young entrepreneurs quoting Ullie-kaye. She says:
Consider your Comfort zones –
“In your heart of hearts, you already know. Do not question the still, small voice that is telling you which way to go. You are afraid because things will be different, and feel different, but then again, you are braver now than you were back then and you have learned that strength does not grow from comfort zones. It grows from thorns and high tides and wild wild winds that knock you off your feet.”

Vumile Msweli: A Beacon for Aspiring Leaders 

Vumile Msweli, a dynamic South African businesswoman, career coach, and international speaker, is making waves across continents. As the Chief Executive Officer of Hesed Consulting, she brings her expertise to the forefront, specializing in commerce acceleration, career coaching, women’s empowerment, facilitation, and training on the African continent. With a presence in both Nigeria and South Africa, Vumile (Vumi) is committed to driving positive change and fostering growth.

A Trailblazing Journey

Vumile holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting Sciences from the University of Pretoria, a Finance Honours degree from the University of Johannesburg, and an MBA from the University of London. Her pursuit of knowledge continues as she studies for a Doctorate in Applied Leadership at UGSM, Switzerland. Her accolades include being named a Woman of Excellence by the Women’s Economic Forum, a Play Your Part Ambassador by Brand South Africa, and one of the 34th Most Influential Young South Africans by Avance Media.

Vumile’s professional journey has been marked by remarkable achievements and impactful leadership. Her professional journey has been diverse and enriching. It began in the corporate banking sector, where she gained invaluable experience and insights into organizational dynamics and leadership. She has successfully led global teams in Africa (including Nigeria, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Lesotho, Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa) and Europe (Scotland, Isle of Man, and England). Her expertise spans operations, finance, and strategy, making her a force to be reckoned with in both the telecommunications and finance sectors.

Before establishing Hesed Consulting, Vumile worked with reputable multinational institutions such as Barclays, Investec, Nedbank, First National Bank, and Vodafone. Her contributions ranged from service strategy and operations to risk management and business development.
Vumile’s transition into entrepreneurship and career coaching was motivated by a deeply personal need. As an African woman navigating the corporate world, she found a lack of representation and support that resonated with her experiences. This inspired her to establish Hesed Consulting, driven by a desire to fill the gap she perceived in the industry and provide guidance and empowerment to individuals, particularly women, on their career journeys. “I love being able to hold space and support people in their journey from where they are to where they want to be,” she says.

Vumile’s passion for empowering others extends to her role as an international speaker. She has graced conferences, expos, and workshops worldwide, sharing insights on leadership, women’s empowerment, finance, and conducting business in Africa. Notable platforms include the African Union in Ethiopia, the Women’s Economic Forum in India, and USAID in Zambia. 
Vumile’s voice resonates beyond boardrooms. She hosts The Africa Career Summit and Awards a pan-African platform to celebrate and empower African careers. Additionally, her weekly feature in Nigeria’s largest publication, The Guardian, amplifies her impact.
Empowering Leaders 

Hesed Consulting offers a comprehensive range of services including coaching, executive training, employee wellness, and strategic development. By providing effective, personal, and professional development services, Vumile and her team hope to address Africa’s Human Capital challenges. They hope to support companies and individuals to improve themselves and their businesses.

Hesed Consulting thrives in providing consulting services that assist its clients with effective financial, strategic, and operational business solutions within a global context. What sets Hesed apart in the market is the team’s commitment to leveraging African wisdom and values to empower the clients. They tailor their solutions to address the specific needs and challenges faced by individuals and organizations, ensuring a personalized and impactful approach to coaching and consulting. Their customized solutions and engagement model aim to educate and empower the clients to grow efficiently and optimize their businesses and operations while achieving their strategic goals. 

As the founder and CEO of Hesed Consulting, Vumi’s role involves leading strategic initiatives, cultivating partnerships, and overseeing the delivery of coaching and consulting services. One of the unique ideas she has introduced is the integration of African philosophy and cultural values into Hesed’s approach. By embracing concepts such as Ubuntu and communal wisdom, they offer a fresh perspective on leadership development and organizational culture, resonating with their diverse clientele across the continent. “This why we host events like the Africa Career Summit on 29 June 2024 in Johannesburg,” she says.
Vumi’s working style can be characterized as strategic, empathetic, and collaborative. She believes in setting clear goals and objectives while fostering an environment of open communication and mutual respect. Others often define her communication style as engaging, empowering, and solution-oriented, as she strives to facilitate meaningful dialogue and empower individuals to reach their full potential. 

Facing her Challenges

One of the biggest challenges in Vumi’s career was transitioning from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. It required courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. She overcame this challenge by trusting her instincts, seeking support from mentors and peers, and staying committed to her vision despite obstacles. 
This experience taught Vumi the importance of adaptability, perseverance, and the value of taking calculated risks in pursuit of her goals. There was a lot of unlearning and learning that had to happen. It taught her the importance of hard work and keeping service as a priority.

Leveraging Technology

As a modern-day entrepreneur, Vumi recognizes the transformative power of technology in driving organizational growth and efficiency. At Hesed Consulting, her team leverages technology to streamline the company’s coaching processes, reach a wider audience through online platforms, and provide virtual coaching sessions for clients across different geographies. By embracing innovative tools and digital solutions, they enhance their service delivery and ensure a seamless experience for their clients.

Anticipating Industry Changes

In the next five years, Vumi anticipates a growing demand for personalized coaching and leadership development solutions, particularly in the context of remote work and digital transformation. To prepare Hesed Consulting for the same, she plans to invest in innovative coaching methodologies, expand its online presence, and strengthen partnerships with technology providers to enhance service delivery. 
“Additionally, we will continue to stay abreast of industry trends and evolving client needs, ensuring that we remain agile and responsive in an ever-changing landscape,” she says.
However, all the vision can’t be achieved without first winning over challenges. One of the challenges hindering the progress of the industry is the lack of diversity and inclusivity in leadership development programs. To address this, Vumi suggests we need to prioritize diversity and representation in coaching and consulting services, as well as advocate for inclusive leadership practices within organizations. “By fostering a more diverse and inclusive environment, we can unlock the full potential of talent and drive positive change in the industry,” she says.

Eye on the Future

Vumile’s mission extends beyond personal success. She advocates for breaking the “glass cliff” barrier that women face in leadership roles. Her commitment to empowering women and fostering inclusive workplaces is evident in her work and advocacy.
In the next few years, one can expect Vumi and her team to continue pushing the boundaries of conventional coaching and consulting practices, exploring new avenues for growth and impact. They aim to expand their reach, deepen their impact, and remain at the forefront of driving positive change in the career development landscape. 
“With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and client-centricity, we are committed to delivering exceptional results and empowering individuals and organizations to thrive,” concludes Vumi.
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A Quote to Live By:
One quote that resonates deeply with Vumi and guides her approach to both business and life is: “The route can be asked to those who have forged ahead before you.” This proverb speaks to the importance of seeking guidance and learning from others’ experiences, acknowledging that wisdom and knowledge are gained through collaboration and shared insights. It underscores the value of humility, curiosity, and the continuous pursuit of growth and learning.

“I like keeping people at the heart of what I do.”

“I established Hesed intending to be a Pan-African organization that promotes global learning, quality talent acquisition, and personal development.”

“We pride ourselves in exceptional business and individual consulting; public speaking services for various business events as well as trade within the African continent.”

Phoebe A. Wasfy: An Exceptional Leader Transforming Education and Shaping Future Leaders

Teachers or Educators are not just the backbone of any educational system, but also the makers of the basic fabric that makes the society – students or rather future generations. They don’t just impart lectures, grade their students, and make them ready for a vocation, but impart knowledge and skills and inspire curiosity, confidence, and self-worth. They are influential in shaping the future of society, as they prepare the next generation of leaders, innovators, and citizens.

As mentors and role models for students, the teachers support and motivate students to achieve their academic and personal goals while instilling values and ethics in them to develop positive attitudes and behaviors. These are also the precise reasons one should always remember when they choose to become a teacher.

Embarking on the journey of teaching is not merely stepping into a job; it’s embracing a vocation, a profound calling to shape minds, hearts, and futures. As one embarks on this noble path, there are a few timeless principles that serve as the guiding lights that illuminate the essence of this revered profession. Phoebe A. Wasfy, Principal of Philopateer Christian College and an educationist par excellence, shares those principles with us.

First and foremost, she reminds us that teaching is not just a job; it’s a sacred vocation. It’s a calling to make a tangible and lasting difference in the lives of your students. Each day when a teacher steps into the classroom, she/he has the power to ignite curiosity, inspire dreams, and instill values that will resonate throughout the students’ lives. “Embrace this responsibility with humility and reverence, for the impact you make reaches far beyond the confines of the classroom,” she says.

Respect the profession of teaching, for it is the cornerstone upon which all other professions are built. Teachers lay the foundation of knowledge, nurturing the intellect and character of future doctors, engineers, artists, and leaders. Without the dedication and passion of educators, the edifice of society would crumble. So, one should honor their role as a teacher, knowing that they are an architect of the future. “Never diminish the importance of your role by saying, “I’m just a teacher.” You are not just a teacher; you are a beacon of light in a world that often feels dark and uncertain. You are a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration for your students,” she says.

Phoebe emphasizes that one must embrace the challenges that come with teaching, for they are the crucibles in which a teacher’s character and resilience are forged. Every obstacle they encounter is an opportunity to grow, to learn, and to refine their craft. They must approach each day with a spirit of optimism and a willingness to adapt, knowing that the journey of teaching is as enriching and transformative for them as it is for their students.

“Above all, never lose sight of the profound impact you have on the lives of your students. Your words, your actions, and your example have the power to shape the course of their lives in ways both seen and unseen. Cherish the moments of connection, celebrate the triumphs, and persevere through the challenges, knowing that the seeds you sow today will blossom into a brighter tomorrow,” she says.

A Passionate Educator

Phoebe A. Wasfy’s professional journey is marked by her role as the Principal of Philopateer Christian College (PCC), a rapidly growing private school in Canada. PCC, a distinguished member of ACSI, has earned the title of “Best Private School” in Mississauga for five consecutive years. Established in 1999, PCC holds the distinction of being the first private school in North America founded by the Coptic Egyptian community, welcoming students from all backgrounds.

Phoebe’s journey began in Alexandria, Egypt, and she immigrated to North America at the age of nine. As an active member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and the Ontario Principals Council (OPC), she has been recognized for her contributions with nominations for the Order of Ontario in 2019 and 2020. Her commitment to community service has also been acknowledged through her induction into The Marquis Who’s Who in America and her receipt of the Vision Builder Women of Inspiration Award in 2021.

Educationally, Phoebe earned a Bachelor of Arts in History and Religious Studies from the University of Toronto in 2002, followed by the completion of her Professional Program in Education at D’Youville College, New York, USA in 2004. She continued her academic pursuits with additional qualifications in areas such as “Reading,” “History,” “Religious Studies,” and “Teaching Kindergarten-Grade 12.” In 2011, she completed her Principal Qualification Courses (PQC) and later obtained a Master of Education (MEd) from the University of Western, Ontario in 2014.

Phoebe’s dedication to learning is evident through her pursuit of a Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University in 2019 and the completion of the John Maxwell Leadership Certification in August 2023. Currently, she is engaged in a specialized leadership program through the Egyptian National Academy.

Phoebe’s involvement extends beyond PCC; she has served as a board member of ACSI-Eastern Canada since 2017 and is an adjunct faculty for the Youth Ministry Certification Program (YMCP) affiliated with YouthTrain, New Zealand. Her global impact is further highlighted by her participation in the World Youth Forum 2018 in Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt.

Passionate about fostering leadership and professional development, Phoebe heads numerous initiatives, including school youth humanitarian trips globally and fundraising efforts for initiatives like the Egyptian presidential program Decent Life. She also initiated Arabic-accredited courses in support of the Egyptian presidential initiative Etkalem 3araby.

Her dedication and impact in the field of education have been recognized globally, with features in multiple magazines and honors, including an honorarium presented to her by the Egyptian president His Excellency President Abdelfattah Al Sisi at the National Youth Forum in Alexandria, Egypt, and being selected as the top school principal, coach, and speaker of 2024 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IATOP).

A Collaborative Leader

Phoebe’s working style is fundamentally rooted in collaboration and active leadership participation. She firmly believes in the power of teamwork and the necessity of hands-on involvement from a leader to foster a thriving educational environment. For her, it’s not just about overseeing tasks from a distance but immersing herself in the day-to-day workings of the team and the learning experiences of each student.

A cornerstone of Phoebe’s approach is getting to know each student on a personal level. By understanding their unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations, she can tailor her support and guidance to meet their individual needs effectively. This personalized approach not only enhances their learning experiences but also establishes a deeper connection between herself and the students, fostering trust and rapport.

Furthermore, Phoebe emphasizes the importance of involving teachers in the decision-
making process. By including them in discussions, planning, and goal-setting, they can collectively work towards a common vision for the educational institution. This collaborative approach not only fosters a sense of ownership and investment among the teaching staff but also ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards shared goals.

Communicating Effectively

Communication, in Phoebe’s view, extends beyond mere verbal exchanges. While effective verbal communication is undoubtedly crucial, she also recognizes the power of leading by example and demonstrating her commitment to the shared objectives through action. Whether it’s rolling up her sleeves to assist with classroom activities, offering support where needed, or actively engaging in professional development initiatives, her actions speak volumes about her dedication to continuous improvement and student success.

Ultimately, Phoebe’s communication style is characterized by its authenticity, inclusivity, and emphasis on action. She strives to empower those on her team by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to make a meaningful impact on the lives of PCC’s students. Through collaborative effort and a shared sense of purpose, Phoebe and the rest teachers work together to create an educational environment where every student thrives and achieves their full potential.

The Institute

Philopateer Christian College (PCC) provides a comprehensive range of educational services catering to students from Pre-JK to Grade 12. One of its standout features is its bilingual program, offering full French and full English curricula from Kindergarten to Grade 8. This unique approach not only ensures linguistic proficiency but also fosters cultural understanding and appreciation from an early age.

Moreover, the Institute distinguishes itself by offering an Extended French program for students in Grades 9-12. This program enables students to deepen their French language skills and cultural immersion beyond the elementary level, preparing them for bilingual proficiency and potentially enhancing their academic and career opportunities.

In addition to its language-focused offerings, the Institute provides Pre-AP and AP (Advanced Placement) programs. These rigorous academic tracks are designed to challenge and prepare students for higher education by offering college-level coursework and the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.

The Institute further demonstrates its commitment to innovation and accessibility through its full online high school. This virtual learning platform allows students to access quality education remotely, providing flexibility and personalized learning experiences to meet diverse needs and circumstances.

Furthermore, the Institute’s international program within the school opens doors for students to engage with peers from different cultural backgrounds, fostering global citizenship and preparing them for an interconnected world.

Overall, the Institute’s blend of bilingual education, advanced academic programs, online learning opportunities, and international engagement sets it apart in the market, offering a holistic and forward-thinking approach to education that equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the 21st century.

Driving Growth

As the principal of Philopateer Christian College (PCC), Phoebe’s role extends beyond mere administrative duties; it encompasses fostering innovation and driving the school’s growth in both local and global contexts. One of her primary objectives is to spearhead the introduction of fresh ideas that not only enhance the educational experience within the institution but also contribute to broader advancements in the field of education.

One such initiative Phoebe has championed is the integration of online learning on a global scale. Recognizing the transformative potential of digital platforms, she has worked to establish PCC as a leader in leveraging technology to expand educational reach beyond traditional boundaries. By tapping into the global stage of online learning, they’re able to offer enriching educational opportunities to students worldwide, transcending geographical limitations and fostering a more interconnected learning community.

Moreover, Phoebe has been instrumental in conceptualizing and strategizing the expansion of the institution through the establishment of multiple campuses in Ontario. This visionary approach not only caters to the growing demand for quality education in the local community but also reflects its commitment to providing accessible and innovative learning environments. By envisioning a network of campuses, they’re able to extend their impact and serve a broader spectrum of students, empowering them to thrive academically and personally. “By introducing initiatives such as global online learning and the expansion of multiple campuses, I aim to position our school as a trailblazer in educational excellence and pave the way for future success on a global scale,” says Phoebe.

Stumbling on Roadblocks

The biggest challenge Phoebe faced in her career occurred during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. While day-to-day challenges are commonplace in leading a private school, the pandemic presented an unprecedented obstacle that demanded innovative solutions and resilience.

When COVID-19 hit, it disrupted every aspect of the school’s operations. They had to navigate uncharted territory, ensuring the continuity of the learning process while prioritizing the safety and well-being of the students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, they needed to provide support to families facing the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic.

One of the primary challenges was transitioning to remote learning effectively. Phoebe and the administrative team had to rapidly adapt the curriculum and teaching methods to an online format, ensuring that students continued to receive quality education despite the physical closure of the school. This required significant coordination, communication, and technological infrastructure development.

Moreover, they faced the challenge of maintaining strong connections with parents during this period of remote learning. It was crucial to keep them informed, address their concerns, and provide support as they navigated this new educational landscape alongside the PCC management.

However, amidst these challenges, Phoebe saw an opportunity to innovate and expand the school’s reach. While many institutions were forced to contract or adapt minimally, PCC seized the chance to showcase its capabilities on a global stage through the online program. By embracing technology and creativity, they were able to offer their educational services to a broader audience, distinguishing themselves as leaders in the field.

To overcome these challenges, Phoebe and her team fostered a culture of adaptability, collaboration, and resilience within the school community. They encouraged open communication and feedback, allowing them to address issues promptly and effectively. They also invested in professional development to equip our faculty with the skills and resources needed for successful remote teaching.

“Ultimately, facing the challenges brought out our collective strength and determination. It reinforced the importance of flexibility, innovation, and community support in overcoming adversity. Through this experience, we learned valuable lessons about the power of perseverance and the growth potential even in the face of unprecedented challenges,” says Phoebe.

Preparing Students for the Future

Philopateer Christian College likely prepares its students to face the dynamic world often dubbed as VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) through a variety of strategies and initiatives. Here are some common approaches that educational institutions may take:

The school emphasizes holistic education, prioritizing not just academic prowess but also fostering emotional intelligence, critical thinking, adaptability, and resilience among its students. Interdisciplinary learning is encouraged to help students understand the connections between various subjects and tackle complex issues. Hands-on experiential learning opportunities enable students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, honing their problem-solving abilities. Exposure to diverse cultures and global issues fosters empathy and cultural competence, essential for navigating today’s world. Embracing technology in education equips students with skills vital for the digital age. Leadership qualities and collaboration are promoted through group projects and extracurricular activities, preparing students for effective teamwork and leadership roles. Support systems and mentorship programs are in place to help students develop resilience and coping mechanisms. Additionally, a culture of continuous learning encourages students to adapt to change and continuously develop new skills throughout their lives.

By incorporating these strategies and initiatives into its educational approach, Philopateer Christian College can effectively prepare its students to thrive in a VUCA world.

The Evolving Role of Educators

Phoebe concurs that the role of educators and educational institutes has evolved significantly in the digital age. With freely available information on virtually every topic online, educators now face the challenge of not just imparting knowledge but also teaching critical thinking skills, digital literacy, and the ability to discern credible sources from misinformation or biased content.

In this context, the value of educators and educational institutes has arguably increased rather than diminished, she feels. While the information may be readily accessible, the role of educators in guiding students through this vast sea of information, helping them navigate it effectively, and fostering deeper understanding and analytical skills are more crucial than ever.

“Educators serve as mentors, facilitators, and guides in the learning process, providing context, insight, and personalized support that cannot be replicated by simply accessing information online. Moreover, educational institutes play a pivotal role in creating structured learning environments, fostering collaboration, and offering opportunities for hands-on experiences that complement online resources,” she says.

Keeping Up with the Times

Phoebe shares that staying current in the industry and fostering continuous growth involves several strategies:

  1. Continuous Learning: Actively seek out opportunities for professional development, whether it’s attending workshops, conferences, or enrolling in courses. Embrace lifelong learning as a mindset.
  2. Networking: Engage with other professionals in your field through conferences, seminars, and online communities. Exchange ideas, insights, and best practices to stay informed about industry trends and innovations.
  3. Research and Reading: Stay updated on the latest research, publications, and industry news. Subscribe to relevant journals, newsletters, and online publications to broaden your knowledge base.
  4. Mentorship and Collaboration: Seek guidance from experienced mentors and collaborate with peers on projects or initiatives. Learning from others’ experiences can provide valuable perspectives and insights.
  5. Experimentation and Innovation: Embrace a mind-set of experimentation and be open to trying new approaches or technologies. Encourage creativity and innovation within your practices and encourage others to do the same.
  6. Reflection and Evaluation: Regularly reflect on your experiences, successes, and challenges. Evaluate what worked well and what could be improved upon, then adjust your strategies accordingly.
  7. Adaptability and Flexibility: Remain adaptable and flexible in the face of change. Embrace new technologies, methodologies, and ways of thinking to stay relevant and competitive in your field.

“By consistently investing in your own growth and staying well-informed about industry developments, you can position yourself as a valuable contributor to both your own advancement and the growth of others within the educational community,” she says.

Understanding the Upcoming Trends

In the next five years, Phoebe observes that the following trends are likely to shape the education industry:

  1. Technology Integration:Continued integration of technology in education, including augmented reality, virtual reality, AI-based personalized learning, and adaptive learning platforms.
  2. Remote and Hybrid Learning: The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid learning models. These models are likely to continue evolving, offering flexible learning options to students.
  3. Focus on Soft Skills: There’s a growing recognition of the importance of soft skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and adaptability. Schools may emphasize these skills alongside traditional academic subjects.
  4. Personalized Learning: Tailoring education to individual student needs and preferences through data analytics, AI, and adaptive learning technologies will become more prevalent.
  5. Project-Based Learning: Project-based learning approaches, which promote hands-on, experiential learning, are gaining traction as they enhance student engagement and problem-solving abilities.

Phoebe also suggests that to prepare the school and students for these trends, several strategies can be adopted:

  1. Invest in Technology Infrastructure: Ensure the school has robust IT infrastructure to support technological integration in teaching and learning processes.
  2. Teacher Training: Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their digital literacy skills and familiarize them with emerging technologies and teaching methodologies.
  3. Curriculum Enhancement: Update the curriculum to incorporate elements of personalized learning, soft skills development, and project-based learning.
  4. Flexible Learning Spaces: Design learning environments that facilitate both traditional and technology-enhanced teaching methods, including spaces for collaboration, experimentation, and independent study.
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration: Forge partnerships with technology companies, educational institutions, and industry experts to stay updated on the latest trends and access resources for implementing innovative educational practices.
  6. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Regularly assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies and make adjustments based on feedback from students, teachers, and stakeholders.

“By proactively addressing these trends and preparing students accordingly, the school can ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving educational landscape,” says Phoebe.

Focus on the Future

As a team, for Phoebe and the teachers at Philopateer Christian College (PCC), the primary focus in the next few years will be to consistently and positively impact the lives of their students within their school. They are committed to providing high-quality education, fostering a supportive learning environment, and helping students develop the skills they need for success.

While the digital revolution has democratized access to information, it has also highlighted the importance of skilled educators and robust educational institutions in preparing individuals for success in a rapidly changing world.

Additionally, they aspire to expand their reach beyond the current school boundaries. Their goal is to take PCC’s educational model to other parts of the province, and possibly even on a global scale. By doing so, they aim to make a meaningful difference in the broader landscape of education. This expansion will allow them to share their successful practices, collaborate with diverse communities, and contribute to the enhancement of educational experiences on a larger scale.

Ultimately, their vision is to be catalysts for positive change in education, leaving a lasting impact on students’ lives and contributing to the broader advancement of educational standards locally, provincially, and potentially globally.

“Looking ahead, my aspirations extend beyond provincial borders as I envision Philopateer Christian College becoming a global success story in the realm of education. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation, I am driven to explore opportunities for establishing offshore schools that carry forward our ethos of academic excellence and holistic development on an international scale. By leveraging the lessons learned from our local endeavors, we aspire to create a blueprint for success that transcends borders and inspires educational innovation worldwide,” concludes Phoebe.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. – Proverbs 31:25”

Nashat Helal: A Multifaceted Business Executive Driving Innovation and Growth

The evolving business world often creates new roles and responsibilities owing to factors like technology transformation, new concepts and values, and the complexity of organizations. These changes affect every role in an organization. The role of the CFOs too has evolved significantly over the years. Initially, CFOs were primarily focused on managing a company’s financial transactions, ensuring accurate financial reporting, and maintaining compliance with regulatory standards. Their role was largely seen as that of a financial gatekeeper.

However, in recent years, the role has transformed into a more dynamic and strategic position within organizations. Modern CFOs are expected to be strategic leaders as they now play a critical role in shaping company strategy. They collaborate with other C-level executives to drive business growth, identify opportunities, and develop long-term financial plans. They are now data-driven decision-makers who leverage big data to make informed decisions owing to the advancements in technology and data analytics. They analyze financial and non-financial data to forecast trends, manage risks, and optimize business performance.

Beyond financial risk, CFOs are now responsible for identifying and managing a broader array of risks, including operational, strategic, and reputational risks. They are increasingly required to understand and implement new technologies such as AI, blockchain, and cloud computing to improve financial processes, enhance reporting accuracy, and boost overall efficiency. Modern CFOs are more actively involved in engaging with a wider range of stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and the board of directors, providing insights and transparency into the financial health and strategic direction of the company. There is a growing emphasis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. CFOs are often tasked with integrating sustainable practices into financial planning and reporting.

In 2011, Nashat Helal experienced a pivotal career transition when he accepted the role of CFO at the age of 30. Over the past 13 years, he has evolved significantly becoming the modern-day CFO with the above qualities. He is at the forefront of business strategy and management, encompassing company valuations, mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, and debt and equity fundraising.

The Journey

Nashat embarked on his professional journey in 2002 by joining EY’s Jordan office. His tenure at EY spanned a decade, with the first two years in Amman and the remainder in Muscat, where he led diverse teams in audit, risk, and advisory services.

Nashat’s industry experience is broad, covering financial services, real estate, healthcare, contracting, maritime, hospitality, retail, automotive, management consulting, auditing, education, and trade and distribution. Additionally, his expertise includes corporate transformations, turnarounds, portfolio management, financial planning, and strategic planning.

Nashat is dedicated to continual personal and professional development. Throughout his career, he has earned certifications such as CMA, CPA, and CFA, each of which has been instrumental in advancing his career. In September 2017, he pursued further education by enrolling in the Executive MBA program at London Business School. He graduated in July 2019, emerging as a more seasoned and well-prepared professional.
Key attributes that have defined his career include determination, consistency, discipline, resourcefulness, self-acceptance, accountability, a proactive approach, a focus on progress over perfection, and an appreciation for both the journey and its milestones. These qualities
have been integral to my professional achievements.

Presently, Nashat serves as the Group CFO of Balubaid Group of Companies (BGC), a diversified holding company operating in eight sectors within Saudi Arabia. His role involves creating value across existing businesses and future investments, leading IPO and private placement initiatives, exploring innovative fundraising strategies, and aiding the board in valuing new business prospects to attract investors and establish partnerships.

The Company

Balubaid Group of Companies (BGC) is a diversified holding company operating in eight sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Established in 1952 starting as a spare part trading operation, the company has grown into a multi-business enterprise with interests in automotive retail, manufacturing and industrial, real estate and entertainment, financial services, trading & distribution, professional services, fitout and furnishing, and affiliated companies. BGC is a privately held, family-owned enterprise with a diverse, multinational workforce of over 1000 employees.

The unique success factors of BGC are primarily driven by its distinctive culture:
Optimal Governance Structure: They prioritize the right degree of governance with a lean and agile organizational structure that adapts to our dynamic market. There is a clear delineation of authority between executive management and the board of directors. Roles and responsibilities are well-defined, thoughtfully considered, and effectively communicated to all team members.
Transparency and Accountability: BGC fosters a culture of transparency with no hidden agendas. Clear and concise communication is key, as it sets expectations and goals from the outset. This approach promotes high levels of ownership and accountability, empowering team members to take full responsibility for their actions.

Strategic Alignment: They ensure that each team member is involved from the planning stage, understanding how their work aligns with the group’s strategic direction. This involvement helps in executing their jobs with a thorough comprehension of the broader goals.
Diverse Perspectives: BGC values a diverse team with varied backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities. This diversity brings balanced perspectives to our decision-making processes, aiding in optimizing performance in a dynamic market.
Executive Management’s Open-Door Policy: BGC management exhibits maturity and adopts an open-door policy. This approach provides team members with the confidence to perform their tasks without the fear of micromanagement or misuse of authority. It fosters a sense of ownership and aligns personal interests with the group’s objectives.

A Seasoned Leader

Nashat’s leadership style is defined by a blend of empathy, innovation, and continuous improvement.
People-Centric Leadership: Nashat is often described as a “people guy” because he genuinely cares about his team members and their well-being. Building strong, trusting relationships is at the core of his leadership philosophy. He prioritizes the development and growth of his team, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to excel in their roles. He believes that when people feel valued and their contributions are recognized, they are more motivated and engaged.
Results-driven: While Nashat emphasizes a people-centric approach, he is also firmly committed to delivering results. He sets clear expectations and ensures that the financial goals are met with precision and excellence. His leadership strikes a balance between compassion and performance, fostering an environment where the team works hard and achieves the objectives together.
Innovative Thinking: Thinking outside the box is a key component of Nashat’s work style. He encourages his team to explore creative solutions and innovative strategies to overcome challenges and improve their processes. This mindset has been instrumental in driving BCG’s financial success and keeping them ahead in an ever-evolving business landscape.
Adaptability: Adaptability is another defining trait of Nashat’s leadership. In the dynamic world of finance, being able to pivot and respond to changes swiftly is crucial. He embraces change with a positive attitude and inspires his team to do the same, ensuring that they remain resilient and agile.
Continuous Improvement: He is always on the run to improve his skills, knowledge, and personal qualities, and he instills the same ethos in his team. Professional development is a priority, and he actively seeks out opportunities for learning and growth. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, BCG stays competitive and maintains its edge in the industry.

Uplifting the Local Community

Balubaid Group has a dedicated committee responsible for overseeing all social corporate initiatives that look to uplift the local community and support social causes. This committee actively participates in various national and international events. For instance, last year, they collaborated with an association focused on supporting diabetes patients. Additionally, they periodically work with Bupa Insurance to conduct health checks for their employees, promoting awareness and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

BGC also partners with governmental sectors such as the Ministry of Interior. Last year, during Police Traffic Day, they participated by offering gifts to police officers on duty as a token of appreciation for their efforts towards society.

On the educational front, representatives from BGC’s finance team led by Nashat participated in the annual forum organized by the Faculty of Economics and Administration at King Abdulaziz University. During the forum, they engaged with students, answered their questions, and provided professional advice.

“We have coordinated with the faculty to create opportunities for students through cooperative training programs at Balubaid Group and its subsidiaries. This initiative is part of our broader commitment to corporate social responsibility, aimed at equipping young graduates and empowering them,” shares Nashat.

Green Initiatives

Balubaid Group undertakes several Sustainability Initiatives including:
Riyadh Green Project: Through its manufacturing arm, Arabian Planet for Plastic (APICO), Babubaid Group is collaborating with the government on the Riyadh Green Project as part of the Vision 2030 initiative.
Carbon Emission Reduction: Balubaid’s factories are developing solutions aimed at significantly reducing carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.
Biodegradable Technology: They are continuously enhancing the technology in their plastic factory to produce more biodegradable products, ensuring they are environmentally friendly.
Digital Transformation: Across the Balubaid group of companies, they are promoting the reduction of paper usage and embracing digital solutions as part of their ongoing digital transformation journey.

Modern Challenges

Nashat shares some common challenges that he encounters as a modern CFO in today’s dynamic market conditions:
Economic Volatility: Fluctuations in the market due to geopolitical instability, trade wars, or economic crises.
Regulatory Compliance: Keeping up with the ever-changing regulations and ensuring the company remains compliant.
Technological Advancements: Rapid technological changes require continuous adaptation and investment.
Cybersecurity Threat: Increasing risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.
Talent Management: Attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive market.
Cost Management: Balancing cost reduction with the need for growth investments.
Stakeholder Expectations: Meeting the high expectations of stakeholders for transparency and performance.

Staying Updated with the Trends

Being a strategic partner is crucial in navigating the complexities of today’s business landscape. Nashat believes that equipping oneself with the right tools and strategies to foresee the future is essential. To stay abreast of the latest developments in the industry, he tries and advises others to:
Develop robust scenario planning and financial forecasting to prepare for various economic conditions.
Use benchmarking tools to compare the company’s performance against industry standards and competitors, helping me understand where my organization stands and identify areas for improvement.
Invest in a comprehensive ERP system like Oracle to integrate various business processes, providing a unified consolidated view that supports strategic decision-making.
Invest in compliance and maintain a dedicated team to monitor regulatory changes.
Where possible, integrate emerging technologies like AI and blockchain into financial operations and invest in ongoing tech training for the finance team.
Focus on employee engagement, provide career development opportunities, and foster a strong company culture.
Use advanced data analytics to identify cost-saving opportunities without compromising on growth initiatives.
Enhance communication and reporting practices to provide clear and timely information to all stakeholders.
Implement comprehensive cybersecurity policies and regularly train staff on best practices.
Stay updated with the latest developments in finance, technology, and industry trends through continuous education, industry conferences, and professional development courses.

Preparing for the Future

With a keen eye on the future, Nashat summarizes Balubaid Group’s next big goals being:

Diversification: Over the next three years, their primary goal is to continue diversifying beyond the automotive retail industry and to unlock growth potential in their other operating sectors.
Optimized Capital Structure: They aim to establish the right capital structure for the Group to optimize future investments.
Oracle Fusion Implementation: They are committed to successfully implementing Oracle Fusion as their ERP software across the group.
IPO Plans and Private Placements: The Group aims to achieve the IPO targets for its operating companies as outlined in its 3-year roadmap.
Talent Acquisition and Retention: Their goal is to acquire and retain top talent, fostering a culture and work environment that support these objectives.

Nashat also recognizes that to achieve these goals, he and his team will have to face several challenges ahead including:
Focus on Financial Resilience:
Implement rigorous financial controls and regular audits to ensure financial stability.
Diversify revenue streams to mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations.
Embrace Digital Transformation:
Leverage advanced technologies like AI and data analytics for better financial forecasting.
Invest in ERP systems to streamline operations and enhance decision-making.
Strategic Risk Management:
Develop comprehensive risk management strategies to proactively identify and mitigate potential risks.
Establish a risk management committee in the foreseeable future to regularly review and adjust risk policies.
Cost Optimization:
Conduct regular assessments of operational costs and implement cost-saving initiatives.
Encourage a culture of cost efficiency across all departments.
Talent Development:
Invest in training and development programs to enhance the skills of the finance team.
Implement succession planning to ensure leadership continuity.
Strong Governance:
Ensure robust corporate governance practices to maintain stakeholder trust.
Foster transparency and accountability within the finance department.
Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility:
Integrate sustainability initiatives into the corporate strategy to continue addressing environmental and social challenges.
Promote ethical business practices and engage in community development projects.
Stakeholder Communication:
Maintain clear and consistent communication with shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders.
Provide regular updates on financial performance and strategic initiatives.
Agile Strategic Planning:
Adapt strategic plans in response to changing market conditions and emerging opportunities.
Conduct scenario analysis to prepare for various future scenarios.
Capital Structure Optimization:
Continuously review and optimize the capital structure to ensure the best mix of debt and equity.
Seek opportunities for strategic investments and partnerships.

“I believe as the Group CFO my number one responsibility will continue to be addressing and improving the above mentioned,” concludes Nashat.

Melissa Lee: Cultivating Futures in Education

Melissa Lee, the visionary founder of UK Education Garden, has dedicated her career to nurturing educational growth and empowering students worldwide. With a passion for lifelong learning, Melissa combines her expertise in education and her commitment to sustainable development goals (SDGs) to create a positive impact. Her legacy extends beyond consultancy; it’s a testament to nurturing minds, fostering growth, and sowing seeds of excellence.

Melissa’s Approach: A Global Perspective

Melissa’s multicultural upbringing—having grown up in Hong Kong—equips her with cultural sensitivity and adaptability. She collaborates seamlessly with international clients, understanding their unique needs. As a designated safeguarding lead, Melissa maintains professional confidentiality while fostering open communication.

Her professional journey began with the profound belief that “life influences life.” During her secondary education in Hong Kong, she was immensely inspired by Mrs. Ruth Lau, a history teacher whose passion for education and commitment to student success left an indelible mark on her. This experience sowed the seeds for her lifelong dedication to the field of education.

Surrounded by exceptional educators, Professor Pamela Burnard, Professor Keith Taber, Professor Cecilia Chun, Headteacher Maria Lam, Dr. Irene Lau, Dr Diana Lee, ……. throughout her life, she pursued her first, second, and third degrees in education, driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact. The education industry, for her, is not just a career path but a calling to inspire and empower the next generation.    

With a keen interest in child psychology and career development, Melissa specifically focused her research and studies on how students with different family backgrounds, i.e. cultures, adapt to new school environments when joining in-year. She looked at the difficulties they experience and what schools and parents can do to make the transition easier. Once she completed her Masters in Education at Hughes Hall, and friends encouraged her to use her knowledge to guide students. Thus, UK Education Garden blossomed, fueled by word-of-mouth recommendations.

The Roots of UK Education Garden

The story of the UK Education Garden sprouted in 2009 when Melissa embarked on her educational journey at the University of Cambridge, pursuing a master’s degree in education. Her research focused on understanding how students from diverse cultural backgrounds adapt to new school environments when joining mid-year. Inspired by Whitney Houston’s timeless lyrics—“I believe the children are our future; teach them well and let them lead the way”—Melissa envisioned a garden where students could thrive, learn, and blossom.

The inspiration to start the UK Education Garden stemmed from Melissa’s deep-seated desire to create a nurturing environment that transcends traditional educational frameworks. Inspired by Sustainable Development Goal 4.7, which emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, her vision for UK Education Garden is to cultivate SDG 4 for Global Citizens which is a new social enterprise and would like to become a foundation in the future.

Branching Out: Services and Impact

Since its inception in 2017, UK Education Garden (UKEG) has flourished into a comprehensive consultancy. UKEG provides a broad spectrum of services, including basic core skills like literacy and numeracy, curriculum development, inspirational short-term SDG courses, educator training, student mentoring, and educational consultancy, with a strong emphasis on embedding SDG goals into educational practices. Its uniqueness lies in Melissa and her team’s commitment to creating bespoke educational solutions that are both innovative and sustainable, ensuring that they prepare learners not just for today’s challenges but for the future’s uncertainties.

Melissa and her team offer a bouquet of services, including:
Application Assistance: Guiding students through the intricate process of applying to UK schools and universities.
Guardianship: Ensuring students’ safety and well-being while studying abroad.
Tutoring: Providing personalized academic support.
Career Advice and Internships: Nurturing students’ professional growth.
Educational Courses: Cultivating holistic development.

Their vision is to become a leading professional education consultancy providing one-stop studying abroad solutions as well as all-around trusted support services to our students and their families from overseas.

Balancing her Roles

Balancing the roles of founder, mother of 2 young children, and Cambridge University Hospital public governor is indeed challenging but immensely rewarding. Melissa approaches these roles with a mindset of servant leadership, prioritizing the needs of the children, learners, educators, and the wider community. Through effective delegation, strategic planning, and fostering a culture of empowerment, she ensures that each role enriches the others, driving the UK Education Garden and SDG4 for Global Citizen toward our collective vision.

Melissa’s working style is collaborative, visionary, and grounded in the ethos of continuous improvement and innovation. She has introduced several unique initiatives, such as integrating SDG-oriented learning outcomes into the curriculum designs and leveraging technology to create inclusive learning experiences that cater to diverse learner core needs like basic literacy and numeracy for young kids. This approach not only enriches UKEG’s educational offerings but also prepares our learners to be thoughtful, global citizens in the future.

Making Impact Amid Challenges

One of the key challenges facing the industry, per Melissa, is the digital divide, which hinders equitable access to quality SDG education. Potential solutions include investing in digital infrastructure, fostering partnerships to enhance digital literacy, and developing inclusive educational technologies that cater to diverse learning needs.

The most rewarding aspect of working as an education consultant, per Melissa, is witnessing the transformative impact of her work on individuals and communities. The challenges, however, stem from navigating the complex and ever-evolving educational landscape. “By embracing these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation, we continue to advance our mission,” she says.

The impact of UKEG’s education recommendations is measured through a multifaceted approach, incorporating qualitative feedback, quantitative outcomes, and the achievement of specific SDG-oriented goals. This holistic evaluation framework enables us to continuously refine our strategies and maximize our positive impact on learners and communities. “Here in Cambridge, we are also fundraising for the new Children’s hospital which is providing a holistic treatment for children and teenagers. The medical research is going to have a bit of impact globally as well,” shares Melissa.

Technology also plays a pivotal role in amplifying their impact. UKEG leverages digital platforms to facilitate accessible, engaging, and personalized learning experiences. From virtual classrooms to AI-driven educational tools, UKEG’s embrace of technology ensures that it remains at the forefront of educational innovation.

Ensuring Quality amid Market Volatilities

The UK education market is dynamic, with shifting demands and expectations. UK Education Garden stays ahead by being adaptable, proactive, and responsive to these changes. Through continuous research, stakeholder engagement, and innovation, Melissa and her team ensure that their services remain relevant, impactful, and aligned with the needs of their sustainable community.

They maintain the highest standards of quality and professionalism by adopting a rigorous selection and training process for their team, implementing robust quality assurance mechanisms, and fostering a culture of excellence and continuous learning. “Our commitment to these principles is unwavering, ensuring that we deliver exceptional value to our stakeholders,” says Melissa.

Words of Wisdom

For those looking to follow in her footsteps, Melissa’s advice is to be passionate, resilient, and driven by a purpose beyond success. “Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, remain committed to your vision, and always strive to make a positive impact on our local community and our dear world,” she says.

Future Goals and Projects

Looking ahead, Melissa is focusing on expanding UKEG’s digital learning platforms to reach underserved communities, developing SDG-aligned curriculum resources, and fostering global partnerships to promote education for sustainable development. These initiatives are designed to not only advance UKEG’s mission but also contribute significantly to the achievement of global education targets. 
“UK Education Garden has expanded to cover many areas of education consultancy including assistance in applications to UK schools and universities, guardianship, tutoring, careers advice with internship services and educational courses – a one-stop all-around education support service to international students. Our five-year plan is to continue maintaining and improving our professional services to the highest standards, as well as branching into new regions including Malaysia, Kazakhstan, France, Germany, and Switzerland,” concludes Melissa.

Lauren Bartmanis: A Pragmatic Approach to Talent Acquisition for Driving Success

Global Management Solutions (GMS) is a distinguished executive search firm focusing on the automotive sector. It offers a wide array of services, including executive search, project hiring, and talent solutions for leadership and middle management roles. Its methodology ensures that its solutions are perfectly aligned with its clients’ goals, strategies, and organizational culture.

What sets GMS apart is its deep-rooted industry expertise, expansive global network, and unwavering commitment to its core values of trust, honesty, and respect. “With resources across the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, we combine local insights with global best practices to assemble high-performance teams. This unique approach enables us to deliver sustainable competitive advantages to our clients,” says Lauren Bartmanis, the Managing Director at Global Management Solutions (GMS).

With over two decades of experience in the industry, Lauren leverages her extensive international networks to amplify talent across all levels of organizational structures strategically. She has cultivated a reputation as the preferred partner for top automotive businesses in the region.

The Business WorldWide (BWW) had had the opportunity to converse with Lauren and understand her journey. Here’s an excerpt:

Could you share your professional journey? What made you choose your current industry?

Lauren: I began my career in graphic design, driven by a passion for creativity and visual communication.

However, after being made redundant, I transitioned into the recruitment industry at the age of 20. This shift was fuelled by my sales ability and my love of cultivating and developing lasting relationships.

My determination and hard work paid off when I was promoted to branch manager at 22, becoming the youngest branch manager at the UK’s largest independent recruitment company. This early success in recruitment revealed my knack for the industry, ultimately leading me to specialize in the automotive sector and establish Global Management Solutions (GMS) in 2014. The drive to fill a market gap for specialized executive search services in the automotive field continues to motivate me and shape my future.

Brief us about the company and its services. How does GMS differentiate itself as the premier source for executive search and consultancy services in the automotive sector?

Global Management Solutions (GMS) is a distinguished executive search firm that focuses on the automotive sector. We offer a wide array of services, including executive search, project hiring, and talent solutions for leadership and middle management roles. Our methodology ensures that our solutions are perfectly aligned with our clients’ goals, strategies, and organizational culture.

What sets GMS apart is our deep-rooted industry expertise, expansive global network, and unwavering commitment to our core values of trust, honesty, and respect. With resources across the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, we combine local insights with global best practices to assemble high-performance teams. This unique approach enables us to deliver sustainable competitive advantages to our clients.

Could you elaborate on how GMS sources candidates both globally and regionally? What unique advantages does this approach offer?

Lauren: GMS utilizes a comprehensive network of carefully selected professionals worldwide. By blending global reach with deep regional knowledge, we can tap into a vast talent pool. We employ industry best practices and maintain robust relationships with local talent, particularly in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

This dual approach offers several benefits:

  • Diverse Talent Pool: Access to a wide range of candidates with varied skills and experiences.
  • Cultural Fit: Ability to match candidates with the specific cultural and strategic needs of our clients.
  • Regional Expertise: In-depth understanding of local markets and talent dynamics.
  • Global Standards: Implementation of global best practices in recruitment and talent management.

BWW: Given the critical demand for talent in the automotive industry, how do you help clients find top talent in the market?

Lauren: We assist clients in finding top talent by leveraging our extensive industry knowledge, comprehensive candidate network, and tailored recruitment strategies. Our process includes:

  • In-depth Market Research: Understanding the specific needs and challenges of our clients.
  • Targeted Search: Identifying and approaching candidates who meet the precise requirements of the role.
  • Rigorous Screening: Conducting thorough assessments to ensure candidates possess the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit.
  • Consultative Approach: Providing clients with insights and advice on market trends, talent availability, and recruitment strategies.

This meticulous approach ensures that we deliver high-quality candidates who can drive success and innovation within the automotive sector.

You have cultivated long-standing relationships with clients, some of whom partner with GMS exclusively. How do you maintain these partnerships, and what value does exclusivity bring to both parties?

Lauren: Maintaining long-standing relationships with clients involves a commitment to understanding their unique needs, delivering consistent results, and fostering trust and transparency. We achieve this by:

  • Personalized Service: Offering tailored solutions that align with our clients’ strategic objectives.
  • Regular Communication: Keeping clients informed throughout the recruitment process and maintaining open lines of communication.
  • Continuous Improvement: Seeking feedback and continuously refining our approach to meet evolving client needs.

Exclusivity brings significant value to both parties:

  • For Clients: Assurance of dedicated focus and priority, access to top-tier talent, and a trusted partnership that understands their business deeply.
  • For GMS: Deeper engagement with clients, enabling us to provide more effective and efficient recruitment solutions, and fostering long-term collaboration.

The automotive industry faces complex challenges. How do you guide clients through managerial changes, strategic shifts, and geographic expansions?

Lauren: Guiding clients through managerial changes, strategic shifts, and geographic expansions involves a comprehensive and consultative approach.

This begins with strategic planning, where we collaborate with clients to understand their goals and challenges and develop tailored strategies to address them.

In change management, we assist clients in managing transitions smoothly by providing experienced leadership and management talent.

For geographic expansion, we leverage our global network to source talent that can drive success in new markets and provide insights into local market dynamics.

Additionally, we offer continuous support and advice to ensure that clients can adapt to changes and achieve their strategic objectives.

BWW: Having spent over a decade in the Middle East, what insights can you share about talent dynamics and opportunities in this region?

Lauren: Over a decade in the Middle East has provided valuable insights into the region’s talent dynamics and opportunities. The region has seen a growing demand for skilled professionals, especially in the automotive sector, highlighting the need for expertise in this rapidly evolving industry. Governments are actively implementing nationalization initiatives to increase local workforce participation, which opens up numerous opportunities for local talent to thrive. The Middle East’s workforce is notably diverse, with expatriates contributing a wide range of skills and experiences, enriching the talent pool. Additionally, significant investments in technology and infrastructure are driving innovation, creating new opportunities for skilled professionals to contribute to cutting-edge projects and developments.
Understanding these dynamics enables GMS to effectively source and place talent that meets the specific needs of our clients in the region.

As a modern-day entrepreneur, how are you using technology to benefit your organization?

Lauren: Using technology has been crucial to our success at GMS. We utilize advanced tools to streamline our recruitment processes, improve how we match candidates to jobs, and maintain efficient operations. Technology helps us stay connected with a global network of candidates, allows us to conduct remote interviews (and working), and provides valuable insights that help our clients make informed hiring decisions. By embracing these technological advancements, we ensure that GMS continues to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

As a contemporary woman entrepreneur, how do you support diversity and inclusion at your workspace?

Lauren: At GMS, our team is entirely remote and spans five different countries. This diversity is a significant strength, and I firmly believe that without our talented team—Muhammad Toqeer, Hunbal Siddiqui, Libinda Paul, Linda Aujan, and our dedicated support staff—GMS would not be as successful as we are. While I may be the face of the company, it’s the team that truly drives our business forward.

We have achieved a 100% staff retention rate over the past five years, demonstrating that our system works effectively. Our diverse team enables us to excel in providing diversity and inclusion in all our endeavours, making us unbeatable in this regard.

By championing diversity and inclusion in all that we do, we create a dynamic and innovative workplace that drives success and reflects the diverse nature of the markets we serve.

BWW: Can you tell us more about the team at GMS? How do their diverse skills and experiences contribute to the company’s success?
Lauren: Our team at GMS is incredibly diverse and talented, each member bringing unique skills and experiences that drive our success. Muhammad Toqeer, our lead recruiter, has a strong background in the automotive industry and extensive experience in executive search. His deep understanding of market dynamics and strategic insight helps us identify and attract top-tier talent globally, Toqeer has worked with me for over 10 years now and his contribution to the business is essential to our success! His dedication is invaluable to GMS.
Linda Aujan, a GCC national who speaks both Arabic and English, has over 13 years of experience in in-house recruitment for a local automotive dealer group. Her bilingual abilities and regional expertise allow us to effectively communicate and connect with local talent and clients, ensuring cultural alignment and understanding.
Libinda Paul brings a wealth of knowledge in human resources and talent management in Automotive. Her experience in developing and implementing resourcing strategies helps us streamline our processes and ensure we deliver high-quality service to our clients, consistently.
Hunbal Siddiqui, with his robust experience candidate sourcing and management, enhances our capability to find the right fit for roles that require specialized. His analytical skills and strategic approach are vital in navigating the complexities of recruiting a diverse range of candidates from Technicians through to Managers.
Together, this team embodies the core values of GMS—trust, honesty, and respect. Their combined expertise and dedication enable us to provide exceptional executive search and consultancy services, tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients – GMS wouldn’t be GMS without these four absolute professionals!

BWW: What are the next big goals for you and how do you plan to tackle the challenges that lie ahead?

Lauren: The next big goals for GMS include expanding our reach into new markets, enhancing our technological capabilities, and continuing to build on our reputation as a leading executive search consultancy. To tackle the challenges ahead, we will:

  • Invest in Technology: Continue to leverage advanced tools and platforms to improve our services by launching a new automotive-specific product to the MENA region in 2025
  • Expand Global Network: Strengthen our global network to access a wider talent pool.
  • Enhance Client Partnerships: Deepen our relationships with clients to better understand and meet their evolving needs.
  • Foster Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation within GMS to stay ahead of industry trends and challenges.

BWW: What is that one quote you absolutely live by or find helpful?

Lauren: A quote that resonates deeply with me is, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” This quote by Steve Jobs serves as a constant reminder that passion and dedication are essential for achieving excellence in any field and I LOVE what I do. I am so very thankful for my fantastic team who are equally as passionate as I am!

Quote: “The drive to fill a market gap for specialized executive search services in the automotive field continues to motivate me and shape my future.”